Monday, July 28, 2008

Kanchanaburi - Tiger Temple

As adult tigers fell victim to poachers, several cubs were given to the temple and so far a further several cubs have been born. There are currently more than a dozen tigers who call the temple home!

Once a day, the tigers are led on leashes to their own quarry where they can roam around, with visitors able to watch from around 10m away.

More often than not, one of the monks will bring one of the tamest tiger to be stroked by visitors*.

Donations can be made at the temple and the Monks continue to collect funds in order to build a larger sanctuary which would allow the tigers to live in a more natural habitat.

*Although the tigers appear tame, let's not forget these are still naturally wild animals. Sudden movements and too many camera flashes at one time can spook them. However in ten years there has only been one serious attack on a visitor, who survived!

Young children are not allowed near the animals and will not be allowed into the quarry where the tigers roam free!

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