Monday, July 28, 2008

Getting to Kanchanaburi is very, very easy due to it's close proximity to Bangkok. 99% of visitors, regardless of where you are travelling from in Tha

From Bangkok...

From the Southern Bus Terminal ("Sai Dai"), buses leave every 30min for Kanchanaburi, the last one departing at 10.30pm. The journey takes a little under two hours.

Tickets for a standard air-con bus are 95 Th.Baht one way. This is by far the easiest way to get from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi!

As the railway link between Bangkok and Kanchanaburi is only a local line, this is a journey to be undertaken only by the VERY brave! From Thonburi station in Bangkok, only 3rd class trains run along this route and the journey takes a staggering FIVE HOURS!

Definition of 3rd class? - No windows, no fan, wooden seats, lots of chickens!

The fastest, but most expensive way to get to Kanchanaburi! From any where in Bangkok, taxi drivers will be able to get you here in about 90 mins for anywhere between 1,000-3,000 Th.Baht, all depending on your bargaining skills!

If you can find a Thai speaker to do the bargaining for you, it would be a lot better!

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